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By God's grace, One Mission Society unites, inspires and equips Christians to make disciples of Jesus Christ, multiplying dynamic communities of believers around the world.

Aid for Indian Pastors

Aid for Indian Pastors

When disaster strikes, OMS wants to be the hands and feet of Jesus for those affected while sharing hope-filled Gospel truth with relief recipients as opportunities arise. Most recently, OMS has stepped up to assist flooding victims in South Asia, as well as Evangelical Church of India (ECI) pastors affected by ethnic violence.

In 2023, ECI, an OMS-founded partner ministry, has had churches in at least eight villages, as well as many church members’ homes, destroyed due to continued ethnic violence in the Indian state of Manipur. Rioters have killed scores of people, and at least 60,000 people are in refugee camps, including ECI pastors and lay people.

At the request of ECI, OMS is helping raise funds to give 10 ECI pastors $100 a month for two years. Due to the conflicts and destruction, the ECI congregations are unable to financially support their pastors at this time.

We hope to meet the critical financial needs of these 10 pastors and their families for a short time. The lay people from the churches have also lost what little they had. Your support will be a great help and encouragement to our brothers and sisters in India.

Gifts to our worldwide relief fund help those in India and around the globe when tragedies like this happen.

Two Bus Transfers, Two Jeepney Rides, and One Tricycle Journey

Two Bus Transfers, Two Jeepney Rides, and One Tricycle Journey

Strength for Tomorrow

Strength for Tomorrow