Bibles for African Church Planters

Bibles for African Church Planters

from $10.00

One Mission Society’s (OMS) Village Church Planting (VCP) is active in 31 of 54 African nations. We currently have more than 700 training centers throughout these countries, each with at least 15 church planters. That’s more than 10,000 workers actively planting churches!

Many of our church planters do not own a Bible or do not have one in their heart language. In the past two years, we have raised funds to distribute nearly 11,000 Bibles! 

As we now plant second-generation churches, we realize that these newly trained second-generation church planters also need Bibles. 

Can you help? OMS has an immediate need for another 5,000 Bibles. Your gift of $10 will provide one Bible for an OMS church planter.

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