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By God's grace, One Mission Society unites, inspires and equips Christians to make disciples of Jesus Christ, multiplying dynamic communities of believers around the world.

Strength for Tomorrow

Strength for Tomorrow

My name is Ana Sulay Guerrero. I am 40 years old and the mother of five children. My family and I live in Venezuela. My husband is the sole financial support for our family. He works as a mechanic [probably earning less than $20/month].

My two youngest sons and my granddaughter have been part of the Satura Kids program for the past year, and they are happy. They consistently ask me, “Mommy, when do we go to Satura? I want to know more about God.” They always come home sharing what they learned.

I think it is great the way that the kids have become interested in knowing more about God through Satura Kids. It fills me with happiness that the kids are discovering the Word of God. As a mom, I am also grateful for the Soy Satura program providing snacks and drinks for my kids. Many lives have been transformed throughout the three years the program has functioned in our community.

God never abandons his children. Although we live in difficult circumstances, he is always here to strengthen us.

Aid for Indian Pastors

Aid for Indian Pastors